ananta medicare
Great Britain
News of World Medicine

Scientists have made a breakthrough in a study of human genome

Members of Researchers International Consortium Genotype-Tissue Expression have presented the results of decoding of a genome project obtained after studying 22,000 different gene structures, RSUTE reports. The findings should be used by experts to create new medicines, including anti-cancer drugs.

It is known that the decoding works lasted for more than fifteen years. And for a long time none of the experts could advance in this issue. But recently geneticists have managed to find the causes of genome changes and a method allowing to affect its structural features. According to the researchers, this discovery will allow doctors to treat even fatal diseases.

By using this data and the method of genome changing, diseases can be controlled and 44 types of human tissue can be affected. For example, it may allow to "turn off" the risk of cancer development even before the cancer cells appeared.

Source: "RSUTE".