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Great Britain
News of World Medicine
How medicines fight cancer: Incredible images enlarged 2000 times

Eye of Science, a scientific photo studio from Germany, has presented cancer cells multi-coloured images by using new technologies.

Google develops a new nanoparticle-based drug

This year, Google has focused on expanding its healthcare capabilities. A new tablet with nanoparticles may help to detect diseases at an early stage.

BCG vaccine will be tested for effectiveness against COVID-19

An international team of researchers plans to test the BCG vaccine for enhanced immunity against coronavirus infection.

Human clinical trials of coronavirus vaccine will be initiated in China

In China, the start of human clinical trials of coronavirus vaccine, which to be tested at the base of the Military Medical Academy of China, has been approved.

Swiss scientists have presented a tattoo that diagnoses cancer

Swiss scientists have announced the development of a small tattoo that becomes dark in case of hypercalcemia.

ROCHE has developed a new rapid test for COVID-19 and provided to US labs.

Roche has initiated shipping the first 400,000 tests for COVID-19 to laboratories throughout the United States to begin testing patients under the FDA's approval for the use of the rapid test in emergency cases.

Artificial intelligence diagnoses retinal pathology

Chinese Ping An Technology has developed and successfully tested its own retinal disease screening system using optical coherent tomography technology

Cancer drug can be used to treat cerebral aneurysm

With the help of inhibitors of receptor tyrosine kinases, the development of cerebral aneurysm can be stopped.

COVID-19 vaccine tests have been initiated in USA

On 16th of March, clinical trials of a coronavirus vaccine were initiated in the United States.


The American regulator granted the status of accelerated consideration of the application for carbetocin – an analogue of oxytocin, for intranasal administration