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Information for Patients

Allergy: what you should do?

What is allergy?

Allergy is a specific reaction of your organism in response to the influence of foreign substances (allergens). According to statistics, nowadays from 5 to 30 % citizens of Russia and from 20 to 30% citizens of Ukraine suffer from allergy. And if the XX century was the century of cardiovascular diseases, then, according to prognosis made by the World Health Organization (WHO), the XXI century will become the century of allergy. Such sharp surge of disease incidence is associated with increased allergenic load on human organism. Deteriorating ecological situation, irrational diet, uncontrolled use of antibiotics, increased stress load, sedentary lifestyle, and changes in climate lead to significant increase of susceptibility of the human organism to the influence of allergens, even those ones, which have always existed.

How to diagnose the allergy?

Allergy can be diagnosed taking into consideration peculiarities of its symptoms. The most frequent symptoms of allergy include the following ones:

  1. Sneezing. Attacks of sneezing last from day to day without obvious reason, in the absence of rhinitis as such..
  2. Rhinitis (rhinorrhea). In case of allergy, nasal discharge is usually transparent and watery.
  3. Stuffiness in the nose. Mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is inflamed and thickened, which causes the nasal obstruction, which in its turn leads to the disturbance of normal mucous outflow or even completely blocks it.
  4. Skin itch. Urticaria (rash) is multiple small skin lesions, which can be located on any part of the body and on the face. It usually lasts for several days.
  5. Itching eyes. Itch in the eyes appear without any external reason. It may last for weeks. Eyelids usually become red and swollen.

  What are the types of allergy?

  • Grass pollen allergy 
  • Kiss-type allergy 
  • Domestic animal allergy 
  • House dust allergy 
  • Food allergy
  • Medicamentous (drug) allergy 
  • Sun allergy 

  Allergic diseases

Allergy is an original revenge to the humankind for its unreasonableness. Healthy lifestyle, locomotor activity, rational diet, and avoidance a number of food substances (the second place as for the frequency of allergic reactions belongs to bananas, the first one is occupied by cow's milk) may serve as restrictive factors for further development of allergy, but it is impossible to protect oneself completely from harmful influence of the environment. That is why in case of manifestation of allergy symptoms, it is necessary to turn for help to the allergologist as soon as possible. In mild cases – to the pharmacist, who will recommend, which non-prescription anti-allergic medicinal preparation can alleviate the manifestations of already existing disease, prevent its exacerbation and development of more severe form of the disease. Such preparation is “Tigofast®”. “Tigofast®” alleviates quickly and effectively such manifestations of allergy as sneezing, rhinorrhea, stuffiness in the nose, and skin itch.  

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