ananta medicare
Great Britain
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On October 30, 2023, the company "Ananta Medicare" participated in the online event "Current Requirements for Managing Patients with Hepatobiliary Pathology

In our time, functional disorders of the biliary tract (the system of bile formation and excretion, including diseases of the gallbladder and bile ducts) represent a widespread issue in the population: according to various sources, the prevalence of the problem is estimated to be 15-20% of the population in developed countries. Currently, the number of individuals with functional disorders of the biliary tract is increasing. Therefore, as we can see, this problem is quite relevant in our days. Hence, the methods of correcting such disorders play a significant role in the routine work of healthcare professionals.

This conference was organized by Ananta Medicare for gastroenterologists. During the event, Svitlana Valeriivna Kasinska, the Associate Professor of the Department of Gastroenterology at Dniprovsky State Medical University of the Ministry of Health, an expert in the field of Gastroenterology at the Department of Health of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, delivered a presentation on the topic: "Features of Therapy for Hepatobiliary Disorders Using Herbal Remedies". She demonstrated the effectiveness and clinical necessity of using complex-action medications in addressing issues related to gallbladder and bile duct diseases in patients.

Mostly, in the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine, among choleretic herbal preparations, single or multicomponent artichoke-based products prevail. The herbal complex Hepaklin distinguishes itself from these preparations because, firstly, it normalizes the rheology of bile (restoring its fluidity), and secondly, it promotes the physiological drainage of bile, reducing its stagnation in the bile ducts. Hepaklin is a herbal complex that addresses functional disorders of the biliary tract comprehensively.

During her presentation, Svitlana Valeriivna showed the results of a domestic study on Hepaklin: "Comparative Study of the Phytopreparation Hepaklin and Silymarin in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease" (authors: Dorofeev A.E., Rudenko N.M., Navka O.Ye.). The study has shown that the Hepaklin complex has a normalizing effect on the contractility of the gallbladder and reduces the severity of biliary pain in patients with metabolic syndrome and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. The lecturer's presentation sparked great interest and lively discussion among the audience. All questions and proposals thoroughly addressed and answered by the speaker.

Hepaklin is precisely the complex that can be recommended to patients for addressing functional disorders of the biliary tract, relieving symptoms of this condition, and improving the quality of life.