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Great Britain
News of World Medicine

Discovery: the skin plays an important role in regulating blood pressure

A study was carried out on genetically modified mice. The scientists have revealed that the skin can affect the pressure and heart rate when the level of oxygen in the environment changes. As we know, due to lack of oxygen, the blood flow to the heart increases. This process is partially regulated by specific proteins - hypoxia induced factors (HIFs), Business Standard reports.

In the study, the scientists placed experimental animals in conditions of oxygen lack. The scientists have noticed that in mice without one of the two HIFs in the skin (HIF-1a or HIF-2a), the response to a decrease in the oxygen level has changed compared to the control group. Changes affected heart rate, blood pressure, skin temperature and overall activity level of animals. Almost the same has happened in rodents without specific proteins associated with HIFs.

In addition, the response of conventional mice to oxygen starvation was more complicated than previously suggested. In the first ten minutes, heart rate and blood pressure were increased. Then (for 36 hours), blood pressure and heart rate fell below the norm. Approximately 48 hours later, the heart rate and blood pressure became normal.

Source: Business Standard.