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Great Britain
News of World Medicine

Scientists have managed to grow artificial pancreatic cells

Medicine School of Washington University has presented the results of its latest work - scientists succeeded in turning stem cells into beta cells that produce insulin. According to Xinhua, the resulting cells were more susceptible to blood sugar fluctuations than usual. 

The scientists used various factors at different time as the cells grow, to get cells of increased efficiency. These cells were transplanted into mice with diabetes and immunosuppression (it is a guarantee that the body will not reject the transplanted cells). Experiments have shown that new cells produced insulin in doses sufficient to control blood sugar; as a result, the mice got rid of diabetes for several months.

Such experiments were carried out earlier. However, the resulting cells produced an inadequate amount of insulin — either too much or too little. As for tests in humans, the scientists have a plan. It is possible to enclose stem cells in a gel with pores. As a result immune cells cannot get through these pores. In turn, insulin can get out through such pores. The second option is the use of genome editing mechanisms in order to hide transplanted cells from immune response.

Source:  MADdaily