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Great Britain
News of World Medicine

Scientists promise to put an end to autoimmune disease

According to Eurek Alert, scientists of the University of Colorado have revealed an anti-inflammatory compound in Mycobacterium vaccae bacteria. This compound may help to cope with autoimmune diseases and mental disorders.

In science, there has long been a theory that says that the lack of contact with microorganisms in childhood does not allow the immunity to develop normally. This increases the risk of allergies and asthma. For instance, children, lived in the country and surrounded by animals and various microorganisms, had more stable immunity. They also had a low risk of mental disorders compared to city people.

It is reported that in the recent studies, the scientists introduced Mycobacterium vaccae to rodents. Such bacteria changed the behavior of mice. By suppressing inflammation the effect was similar to antidepressants. The scientists also isolated the lipid from bacteria and synthesized the new one – 10(Z)-hexadecenoic acid.

Inside the immune cells (macrophages), the lipid binds to PPAR receptor, and inhibits the key pathways responsible for inflammation. When cells were pretreated with lipid, they became more resistant to inflammation when stimulated.

Source: Eurek Alert