ananta medicare
Great Britain
News of World Medicine

Vitamin D deficiency increases risk of colorectal cancer

A study by the American Cancer Society has proved the role of vitamin D in preventing colorectal cancer. For anticancer effect, the optimal concentration of vitamin D should be higher than the recommended one for maintaining bone tissue health. In the study, the scientists have analyzed data from more than 5.7 thousand patients with colorectal cancer and more than 7 thousand healthy volunteers. It turned out that the risk of intestinal cancer increases by 31% in patients with a vitamin D deficiency. At the same time, a statistically significant decrease of cancer risk has been reported in women with increased vitamin D concentrations. However, this parameter was not statistically significant in men. The authors have revealed that the optimal concentration of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (the main metabolite of vitamin D) is 75-100 nmol/L. According to the scientists, this is more than necessary for maintaining bone tissue health.