GINKGO BILOBA 40, 80, 120 ANANTAIndications
Can be recommended as a source of natural biologically active ingredients. It contributes to improve memory, thinking processes and concentration. In elderly Ginkgo biloba contributes to improve cognitive functions, concentration and psycho-emotional status. It also reduces anxiety and contributes to improve the overall health, self-esteem and quality of life. Ginkgo biloba improves blood circulation in the lower extremities.
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Instruction for use
Composition: 1 capsule contains active ingredient: Ginkgo biloba extract – 40 mg, 80 mg, 120 mg.
Excipients: maize starch, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, sodium benzoate.
Characteristics of active ingredients:
Ginkgo biloba improves cerebral blood circulation and oxygen transport to the brain that increases its electrical activity and improves energy metabolism in ischemic cells. The active ingredients promote ATP synthesis.Ginkgo biloba reduces the risk of vascular dementia in elderly, reduces dizziness, helps in hearing loss and reduces tinnitus.It is used in disturbance of vestibular apparatus syndrome. Ginkgo biloba decreases capillary permeability, regulates the microcirculation in peripheral vessels, improves rheological properties of the blood and reduces its viscosity, maintains a constant vascular tonus, improves venous outflow and promotes the excretion of toxic metabolism products accumulated in ischemic tissues.
Ginkgo biloba has a pronounced antihypoxic and antioxidant effect (neutralizes free radicals, reduces lipid peroxidation of cell membranes, prevents cells damage). It can be used in order to correct vision in diabetic angiopathy of the retina, to improve vision and to reduce swelling of the retina.
Ginkgo biloba is used for young people in order to stimulate memory, to increase concentration and to enhance thinking processes that are especially necessary for people engaged in mental activity, chronic fatigue and overexertion.
For elderly the preparation of Ginkgo biloba is used in order to improve cognitive functions, concentration and psycho-emotional status, to reduce anxiety and to improve the overall health, self-esteem and quality of life.
Ginkgo biloba is used for chronic obliterating arteriopathy (atherosclerosis of the extremities, Raynaud's disease), as well as the functional manifestations of chronic venous-lymphatic insufficiency of lower extremities, varicose veins and post-thrombotic syndrome.
Recommendations for use: Ginkgo Biloba 40 Ananta, Ginkgo Biloba 80 Ananta, Ginkgo Biloba 120 Ananta can be recommended as a source of natural biologically active ingredients. It contributes to improve memory, thinking processes and concentration. In elderly Ginkgo biloba contributes to improve cognitive functions, concentration and psycho-emotional status. It also reduces anxiety and contributes to improve the overall health, self-esteem and quality of life. Ginkgo biloba improves blood circulation in the lower extremities.
It is recommended to consult a physician before use.
Method of administration: Recommendations for intake of the following dose: 40 mg dose – 1 capsule three times a day or 2 capsules twice a day; 80 mg dose – 1 capsule twice a day; 120 mg dose – 1 capsule 1-2 times a day. Capsules are taken during meals, drink water.
Duration of use: the effect is usually observed after 1 month. To achieve a stable effect especially in elderly patients, the preparation should be used at least 3 months. Reception can be repeated after 2-3 months.
Energy value 100 g of product:
Ginkgo Biloba 40 Ananta:
121.85 kcal (509.82 kJ);
Ginkgo Biloba 80 Ananta:
133.7 kcal (559.4 kJ);
Ginkgo Biloba 120 Ananta:
135.36 kcal (566.34 kJ).
Nutritional value 100 g of product:
Ginkgo Biloba 40 Ananta: proteins – 6.682 g, fats – 2.73 g, carbohydrates – 17.633 g;
Ginkgo Biloba 80 Ananta: proteins – 7.326 g, fats – 3.81 g, carbohydrates – 17.49 g;
Ginkgo Biloba 120 Ananta: proteins – 7.48 g, fats – 3.98 g, carbohydrates – 17.68 g;
Precautions for use: do not exceed the recommended daily intake. Ginkgo Biloba 40 Ananta, Ginkgo Biloba 80 Ananta, Ginkgo Biloba 120 Ananta should not be used as a replacement for adequate diet and health lifestyle.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to the components, children under 12 years of age, pregnancy and lactation.
Release form: 10 capsules in a blister, 3 blisters in a pack.
Shelf-life: 3 years from the date of manufacture
Storage conditions: Store in a dry place protected from moisture and light, at a temperature not exceeding 30˚C. Keep out of the reach of children.
It is a food supplement. It is not a medicine. Does not contain GMO
Manufacturer: «Ananta Medicare Limited»,
Legal address: 621, Ring Road Mall, Sector-3, Rohini, New Delhi-110085, India;
Manufacturing site address: G-1-265, Phase – II, RIICO Industrial Area, Udyog Vihar, Sriganganagar (Raj.), India.
Importer: «Evitas Ltd.», 37, Iskrinska str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61001,
tel./fax: +38 057 7660744.