Pancreatic cancer is one of the deadliest cancer diseases. Its early diagnosis may save a patient’s life. According to Remedium, clinical trials of a test system capable of diagnosing pancreatic cancer, even at an early stage, by urine analysis, are initiated in the UK.
According to scientists from Babraham Institute, different diets alter the bacterial composition of the intestine. This, in turn, affects the genes and the risk of developing colorectal cancer increases. The scientists have carried out experiments in mice and cell cultures. According to Medical News Today the researchers were interested in what role the short-chain fatty acids play in disease prevention.
As Med News notes, scientists of the Wuhan Institute of Virology have successfully tested a vaccine, which fights dangerous microflora and prevents dental caries. As previous studies have shown, Streptococcus mutans bacteria living in the oral cavity may cause caries.
Sepsis develops when the nocifensor trying to fight the infection gets out of control. Then the immune cells begin to attack the tissues and organs of the host, causing death, Technology Networks reports.
Atrial fibrillation (heartbeat rhythm failure) may be unnoticed on ECG, especially when the rhythm of the heartbeat returns to its normal condition for a while. According to BBC, artificial intelligence created by Mayo Clinic may help to avoid a fatal diagnostic error. Scientists have revealed arrhythmia signs hidden from the doctor’s eye.
As Mail.RU News notes, the scientists of Carnegie-Mellon University have tested FRESH technology. FRESH allows to create an extracellular matrix - the structural basis of organs and tissues. Until recently, scientists could not recreate the matrix in full - the matrix structure is very complex and protein structures deform.
As Mirage News notes, the scientist of Tel Aviv University have created a nanoparticle-based vaccine that can prevent the development of melanoma and at the same time is suitable for the destruction of existing tumors and metastases. The vaccine can make immune therapy as effective as possible.
The scientists of Harvard University have devised how to heal the damaged internal organs. The main problem is that it is difficult to attach healing materials and different versions of medical plasters to wet and slippery surfaces. According to Engadget the scientists have solved this problem by using a gel-like product obtained on the basis of E. coli.
American scientists have used HIV to create gene therapy.
The virus strain causing the common cold, is able to find, infect and kill cancer cells in patients with bladder cancer, The Deccan Chronicle reports. Scientists have tested the safety and tolerability of CVA21 virus in 15 patients with invasive bladder cancer (Coxsackie virus).