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Great Britain
News of World Medicine

Specialists of the University of Barcelona and The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) have established that some substances present in grapes help in protection of skin cells against ultraviolet (UV) radiation of the sun.


Popular recreational narcotic ecstasy (MDMA) may become the basis for a new type of medicines for treatment of oncological blood diseases.Previous investigations have shown that "ecstasy" kills some tumor cells. Now a group of scientists have managed to increase this anti-tumor effectiveness of MDMA combinations 100-folds.


The study, which has been conducted with participation of more than 5,500 Americans, showed that MRSA bacteria were found by 50% less frequently in noses of those people who like tea and coffee.


Specialists from Swedish National reference laboratory warn that the infection may become a world-wide threat and there is an urgent need for a breakthrough in the field of pharmacology.


Scientists have determined a new "ultra-bad" form of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in people with high risk of the development of cardiovascular diseases.


Gynecologists think that two antibiotics, which have been previously associated with possible development of congenital defects, for all that can be safely used during pregnancy.


Doctors think that everybody over 55 should take statins in order to reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.


Scientists claim that consuming one banana three times a day – in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening – provides sufficient quantity of potassium to decrease the risk of cerebral hemorrhage approximately by 21%.


According to a new study conducted by British scientists, taking statins, which are used to decrease cholesterol level in blood, can prevent people dying from pneumonia.


Preparations that regulate cholesterol levels in blood also help decrease the risk of formation of dangerous clots of blood.